Thursday, January 4, 2007

Pyramids of Colima

These pyramids are nearly 3,000 years old. Together they cover 125 acres of land and so far less that 1% of the area has undergone scientific exploration. One unusual common link in all of these structures is their stairs. They are about 50% taller than what we are used to and the lowest couple of steps on each building are at least two feet high.

This first building was used for worship and many human remains have been found in and under it.

This one is a little more like what most would think of as a pyramid.

This next structure is in the center of the compound and it is believed to have had a thatched building on top of it originally.

This next part is attached to the right (south) side of the previous structure. Notice the sun dial in the left portion of the shot, and again in the next photo.


knitbot said...

I think Gabe and I are going to have to build one of these in our new back yard. Dude, can we have some rocks from your riverbed? And do you want to help haul them?


Addie said...

Your pictures remind me of when Cary and I visited all those Mayan ruins a few years back. Talk about stairs... Theirs were also often a little taller than we are used to, and a lot narrower. Like they were build for people with really looooong legs and tiny little feet. :)

Ericson said...

The stairs must be taller to easily accomodate the alien gods.